
SACHIKO NAGATA & JUN MORITA / Moiré 干渉縞 (wine and dine 8) デジパック仕様CD-R 100部限定

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1.Moiré (50:17)
wine and dine 08 2022

デジパック仕様のCD-Rで100部限定です。配信版( https://sachikonagatajunmorita.bandcamp.com/album/moir )と異なり、全1曲の仕様となります。

Improvised Live Performance at Li-Po, Tokyo, October 23, 2021

The first improvisational session, conducted by two artists of different generations with absolutely no preparation, develops into a sonic dialogue and the spectral transformation of moiré (干渉縞[kan-syou-zima])by percussion and electronics to the next movement.This CD was recorded as it happened that night, with no editing whatsoever. We prepared several microphones and set them up in the venue, and was fortunate to get a clear recording.

Sachiko Nagata (electric hamon)
Jun Morita (modular synth)

Sound Recording: Ryuya Kaneko,Jun Morita
Mixing,Mastered & Art Work: Jun Morita
Photograph: Eitaro Haruna

wine and dine 08 Digital 2022

日本の造形作家・斉藤鉄平によって作られた鉄のスリット・ドラム「波紋音(はもん)」を駆使する永田砂知子は、クラシック出身でありながらフリー・ミュージックの先端で活動を続けて来た。かたや、ブラック・ボックス化したフォーディズム的電子楽器から、あらゆるパラメーターを外部に開放した装置「モジューラー・シンセ」を操る森田潤は、ポピュラー・ミュージック/DJ出身。世代も文化的背景も異なる両者による自在の音響と音楽史の読解を巡った思索の干渉縞が、モダン・コンテンポラリー・ミュージックの展望を開くだろう。(2021.10.23 イベント・フライヤー文章より)

永田砂知子+森田潤ライブ 「Moiré 干渉縞」
出演:永田砂知子(electric hamon) 
森田潤(modular synth)

Sound Recording: 金子竜也、森田潤
Mixing,Mastered & Art Work: 森田潤
Photograph: 榛名栄太郎

This video is an excerpted version of three parts from the following 50-minute live improvisation session.

Sachiko Nagata: (electric hamom)
Sachiko Nagata came from a musical family, and she was brought up with western music. After she graduated from Percussion Department, Tokyo University of the Arts and started her career as a professional percussionist of classic music.
Then, being driven by her inner desire, Nagata tried variety styles and types of music from ethnic music, creative music by iron or bamboo, improvisational music and others. The current destination after this long and wandering journey, she has found the world of my own sound when she encountered a unique musical instrument, ‘hamon’ in 1997. All kinds of music that Nagata has experienced are consolidated in it.

Jun Morita: (modular synth)
Morita is a Tokyo-based electric music performer and nightclub DJ specialising in world, popular and experimental music. He has released several solo albums using modular synth and works with the Japanese label φonon. Described as staging a fall, his work reflects a wide variety of musical interests. He has worked as a mastering engineer for a project to reissue shellac recordings of African music, and has worked with bands from the underground scene such as GRAVESTYLE, TACO and Omega f2;k." wine & dine" is his independent label, which does not pander to capitalism in any way.

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¥2,000 税込
